NC RfG 2.0: Industry Call for Clarificationon Aggregation Concept and Compliance Scheme

27 August 2024

The review of the Network Code Requirements for Generators (NC RfG) aims to further harmonising the grid connection requirements at EU level and making them future proof. Indeed, the clarification and harmonisation of electricity network connection requirements is essential if we want to accelerate the energy transition and avoid unnecessary costs to businesses and consumers.

This joint industry declaration by technology manufacturers and certificaiton bodies nevertheless underlines that there is still lack of clarity on two very essential points – i.e. the aggregation
clarifications applicable to all PGMs and the way to certify that the equipment is
compliant with the rules.

This lack of clarity will significantly hinder the completion of the internal energy
market and even limit investments. Therefore, to help build an affordable, decarbonised electricity system, industry organisations recommend ACER and the Commission to:

  1. Modify recital 11 with two main objectives: clarify the issue with synchronous
    technology regarding units and modules; and, clarify the ambiguity for the
    aggregation rules of non-synchronously connected power generating units into a
    PPM or ESM.
  2. Impose a clear timeline and responsibility to propose a compliance scheme as well
    as opening certification schemes and requirements as a door opener for enhanced
    compliance in the European power system.

Further details and amendment proposals can be found in the annex to the declaration.

Download the publication