ACER Public Consultation on the Policy Paper on the revision of NC RfG and NC DC – EUGINE Contribution
11 June 2022
In May 2022, the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) drafted a consultation paper on the possible amendments to the network code on requirements for grid connection of generators and network code on demand connection. A consultation was also launched to collect input from stakeholders.
This consultation launches the revision process of the existing European Grid Connection Network Codes. EUGINE sent a reply through its Task Force Network Codes welcoming the ideas presented in the ACER/CEER Policy Paper and suggesting some additional points to address, notably: a harmonised product family definition applicable in all ENTSO-E countries and the applicability and acceptance of simulation model within the product family, the establishment of a general definition of SPGM and the harmonization of the power generation unit (PGU) certification approach.