European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA) Launched

31 March 2021

ENZA, the European Net Zero Alliance, brings together 17 European associations in the energy, industry, buildings, mobility, forestry, and agriculture sectors. ENZA aims to bridge the gap between energy vectors and energy-consuming sectors to reach 2050 climate neutrality. It was successfully launched on the 30 March with an online event attended by 150 participants.

As a founding member of ENZA, EUGINE is convinced that only the combination of all energy vectors and of all different technologies – including flexible and renewable gas power generation – will deliver a climate-neutral Europe.

ENZA aims at showcasing the benefits of a multi-energy approach in helping to achieve an integrated and climate neutral energy system; demonstrating the value of “made in Europe” technologies and that system, energy and resource efficiency are complementary.

One of the main pledges of ENZA is bringing consumers and end-users on board. In order to the help the EU reach its climate and energy goals, ENZA has developed a set of policy recommendations for guaranteeing efficient approaches applicable across Member States:

  1. Set ambitious short- and long-term targets
  2. Ensure coherence between current and future legislation
  3. Make use of existing infrastructure to support efficient solutions
  4. Promote synergies between vectors through clear network access rules
  5. Provide reliable and tradable solutions
  6. Choose a technology-neutral approach
  7. Review state aid rules
  8. Provide end-users with efficient decarbonisation solutions
  9. Facilitate and integrate decentralised solutions

Visit the ENZA website

European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA) Launched