EUGINE-led Expert Group on Harmonization of Certification and product Family grouping finalises its report

16 March 2023

The Expert Group on “Harmonization of Equipment Certificate Acceptance at European Level and Product Family Grouping” (EG HCF) was established under the Grid Connection European Stakeholder Committee (GC ESC) in September 2021.

The work of the EG HCF run for a year, and aimed at providing a path for the creation of EU harmonized testing strategies and proof of compliance methods, defining an approach to accept certificates at EU level for all power generating unit types and defining a common product family definition and grouping criteria for an equipment certificate.

The final report can be downloaded from the ENTSO-E website. Further information can be found on the GC ESC dedicated expert group page.

EUGINE-led Expert Group on Harmonization of Certification and product Family grouping finalises its report